Program Registration Information
For the purpose of this manual a program is defined as league, trip, activity, event, class, or anything contractual.
It is very important that you register for any activities that you are interested in well in advance of the event. This will allow us to plan for the correct amount of participants, ensure that a spot is reserved for you, or cancel an event when there is not enough interest. The registration process can be completed three different ways:
- Call and make an appointment at 451-9334.
- Register online! Many of our programs now have online registration available. Go for more information.
- Mail in registration and payment (checks payable to Town of Eliot) to:
Eliot Recreation Department
1333 State Road
Eliot, Maine 03903
- We will no longer accept over the phone registrations.
- Consider your registration to be valid unless a Rec. Staff member notifies you.
- There is a separate registration process for the KidsPLAY Before and After School Program.
- There are separate registration forms for summer programs (KidsPLAY, Youth Bound).
- There is a separate registration form for Rentals.
Please note: If you register for a program in the mail it does not always guarantee that you will be able to participate in the program. A complete refund will be granted if a program is full. The department will hold individuals on a waiting list once the program is full. Individuals will be placed in the program off the waiting list in the order they sign up, as space becomes available in the program.
Refund Policy
Refunds will only be given up to 10 days from the start date of the program, or in the event that the Eliot Rec. Department cancels the program. A $5.00 administrative fee will be assessed if the payment has been processed. Eliot Rec. reserves the right to modify the time frame for granting refunds when it is required to make an advance payment to a service provider. Eliot Rec. reserves the right to modify any component of the program in the event of circumstances beyond its control and therefore, is under no obligation to offer participants a refund. Refunds are not given once a program has started.
How To Watch A Good Program Fail
Nothing hinders the development of a program more than prospective participants who wait
until the last minute to register. There is a point where a program must be canceled or modified if there is insufficient registration. All programs require a high level of coordination often including facility scheduling, staffing, volunteering, and purchasing of supplies. To allow for the successful organization and implementation of programs, please register early.
Program Fees
Throughout our website, flyers and social media posts, you will find descriptions of the many programs, trips, and activities created for the residents of Eliot. There is a program fee attached to most of these program and activities. The program fee is an amount of money that the Department needs to generate inorder to reduce the money raised by taxation to cover its operating expenses. The money raised by program fees is also used to offer more programs. The department has many programs open to Non Residents. Non Residents are charged a $10.00 fee in addition to the pre-established program fee for programs over $10.00. The Non Resident Fee for programs $10.00 and under is an additional $5.00.
Returned Checks
There is a $35 penalty fee for any returned checks. This payment along with payment for the program must be submitted to the Town of Eliot in cash or with a bank check. No participation will be permitted until full payment is made.
For more information contact Heather Muzeroll-Roy. Applications and applicants’ names will remain confidential.
Waiting List
All registrations are accepted on a “first come, first serve basis.” Enrollment is not guaranteed. If your desired program is filled, you will be notified and placed on a waiting list. You will be placed in the program, if and when an opening becomes available.
Behavior Policy
Behavior of a participant that is deemed inappropriate by the Recreation Department will result in the removal of that participant from program. In the case of a program that spans more than one day the Rec. Department reserves the right to suspend the participant for the remainder of that program. Refunds will not be given in situations involving suspensions from the program. The Eliot Rec. Behavior Policy and Suspension Guideline is available upon request.
Program Cancellations
If a program is cancelled due to inclement weather we will post a message on our Facebook page. We will also notify participants via email/phone. Programs are sometimes cancelled for other Reasons (i.e. facility space is not available, instructor is ill, etc.). In these cases the staff or volunteers will notify all participants via phone.
Participation Guidelines
- We ask that if other children/siblings come to watch their sister/brother participate in a program that they will remain with their parents. The staff running the program should be able to focus on the group they are working with. These children deserve 100% focus to ensure their safety is secure, the skills are taught in an effective manner, and they have fun!!! The same applies with adults participating in programs- please make sure your children are properly supervised by another parent/guardian/grandparent, etc.
- Parents/Guardians are encouraged to assist the staff with program activities at any time.
- Please make sure you and/or your child are prepared for a program. This includes being on time, having the necessary equipment (if applicable), and becoming familiar with the program schedule.
- Understand not every activity is suited for you or your child. This is especially apparent in younger children. It is great to allow your child the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs, however some children just do not have the desire to play sports or participate in an arts and crafts program.
- Please note that we follow the school’s rules when any of our programs are within their facility. This includes, but not limited to; no stage access, no school access (after hours), bleachers are off limits when closed, no running in hallways, etc.
Age Requirements
Parents please be aware of age requirements for each program. Your child must meet these age and/or grade requirements during the program time. Age requirements are arranged for many reasons. Some very important factors include; safety, meeting ratios, providing a range of programs for different age groups, program times, etc.
Verification of Age and/or Grade of Participant
Children attending private or alternative schools outside of SAD 35 may be asked by the department to verify the current grade their child is enrolled in. This must be stated on the school/organization letterhead and endorsed by an administrator. Parents may also be required to submit a birth certificate to the Rec. Department in order to allow enrollment into a department sponsored program. These policies are in place to ensure the safety of your child and other children in the program, and to establish consistency in administering the program.
Missed Program Sessions
The Eliot Recreation Department is unable to prorate program fees due to participant illnesses or absences, in order to comply with our budget and fixed program expenses; i.e. instructor contracts, administrative expenses, supplies, etc.
Special Needs
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the KidsPLAY Director or Rec. Director at the time of registration if your child/youth needs special accommodations in order to be successful in our camp program (i.e. behavior plans, special health information for staff, etc.). If your child receives special services from the school district please let the KidsPLAY Director or Rec. Director know at the time of registration. Failure to inform us may adversely affect the camp experience for your child/youth.
If your child/youth has an individual aide to help them get through their days at school, they will also need one for all off-site programs such as February and April Vacation as well as KidsPLAY and Youth Bound Summer Camps. It is your responsibility to provide one. We do not have the means to provide extra staff to meet that need. Please speak with the KidsPLAY Director or Recreation Director if you have any questions.